Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011

Secret Project (2): First Floor projection

Hehe, that is fun! I just took a projector and manually tried to align it with the kinect field of view. Unfortunately, different focal length->different distortion on the floor->no perfect match, but who cares! Next up: Calibrate the whole setup such that the image matches the kinect depth information and with this my feet-positions, then get rid of the angular distortion, then... GO ME!!!

Montag, 11. Juli 2011

'Secret Project'

What is it, that a half-computer scientist - half-electrical engineer does in the evening at Strelley Hall, you might ask...
The answer is simple: Playing around with the newest technology to increase the OAL (overall awesomeness level) of this planet by a tiny amount ;-). What I did was rather simple: Take a Kinect camera, some C++ magic including geometrical corrections plane estimations and a simple water effect simulation, and voila: the "interactive pavement". What I intend to do is to project the the water vis onto the floor such that it matches the real foot position... Let's see when I find some time for this last bit of coding :-)

1. Visualizing foot-floor-closeness. The movement of the table also shows you that I expect the background to be static...

2. The water effect on some blue tiles

3. The water effect on a Logo. Here, you can also see that the groundplane estimation and background processing takes quite a while... about 20 seconds. The artifact in the upper lefthand corner is a shiny tile near the fireplace in the living room. The kinect Infrared technology does not work that good on those...

Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011

Pictures of the Trip

Was a great Trip to Wales... except that I don't remember any of the names of places... all something with Gwd or so... But apart from that, I really enjoyed the nature! It is fantastic that so much diversity is reachable within one day, be it valleys, caves, water falls, moors, or even the sea!

Anyway, here's what Wales is famous for: Sheep! Sometimes so many, that they clog the narrow roads ;-)

Maybe an eagle? Sure sounded like one... Edit: Probably a red kite... see here

A typical footpath: I just had to climb over a fence and off I went... One of the great things here in the UK: Even though most of the land is privately owned, it is still allowed -within the nature reserves- to access it via these footpaths. This is an ideal basis for exciting hikes :-)
Waterfalls! So many waterfalls! Within an 2hrs hike, you can easily reach 4 magnificent ones, and many others are nearby...