Was a great Trip to Wales... except that I don't remember any of the names of places... all something with Gwd LLydd...ch..gn..dog or so... But apart from that, I really enjoyed the nature! It is fantastic that so much diversity is reachable within one day, be it valleys, caves, water falls, moors, or even the sea!
Anyway, here's what Wales is famous for: Sheep! Sometimes so many, that they clog the narrow roads ;-)
Maybe an eagle? Sure sounded like one... Edit: Probably a red kite... see here
A typical footpath: I just had to climb over a fence and off I went... One of the great things here in the UK: Even though most of the land is privately owned, it is still allowed -within the nature reserves- to access it via these footpaths. This is an ideal basis for exciting hikes :-)
Waterfalls! So many waterfalls! Within an 2hrs hike, you can easily reach 4 magnificent ones, and many others are nearby...
Hoi Till, ja - das ist ein Rotmilan. Gibts hier in der CH auch sehr viel. Hier kann man gar nicht daneben liegen. Grosser Vodel in Sicht? = Rotmilan! :-)
AntwortenLöschenGrüessli - Felix.